Building a Thriving Tech Community

Lekhana's WILD Journey

In today's workplace, gender diversity is more important than ever, especially when it comes to building communities. Recently, I had the opportunity to sit down with Lekhana, a remarkable woman who plays a pivotal role at Northern Reach, a company dedicated to building a tech ecosystem in the Lancashire region. In our conversation, Lekhana shared her journey, the challenges she has faced, and her insights on why supporting one another is crucial for the tech community.

Introducing Lekhana

Alice: "So, would you like to introduce yourself to the WILD community?"

Lekhana: "Okay. Hi Alice. Thank you very much for having me here. I'm Lekhana. I work with Northern Reach, which is run by Dan Knowles, and we work on building a tech ecosystem in the Lancashire region. I take care of marketing operations, and I also help with project execution and project management. Again, I would say because it's a startup, I've been lucky I get to wear multiple hats, and this helps me with exploring a lot of what my skill sets are and how they could be transferable from here. So it's a very beneficial factor that I get to explore all these different areas and play different roles every day. Yeah. So no two days of my job are the same."

The Journey to Tech and Marketing

Alice: "Cool. So could you share a little bit about your journey into this role and what led you to focus on connecting people and building a tech ecosystem?"

Lekhana: "Well, to be honest, I did tech in my undergrad. Up to my 11th and 12th grade, I was always into math and science, particularly more into science and less into math. After that, my options were either going into the field of business, art and architecture, or something related to science like engineering. I picked engineering because it felt like a wider spectrum and would open doors to more opportunities. Out of engineering, IT (information technology) stood out because electrical and chemical weren't really my thing. Through the four-year course, I realized I'm not a machine person; I'm a people person. 

That's when I decided to do my master's in something related to people or corporate strategy. I chose my master's in international business and strategy from Lancaster University. I love strategizing, even in board games,I'm the mastermind thinking, 'we'll do it like this, and we'll win.' Marketing came into the picture because of the family business, which I helped start during COVID. We had no one who really enjoyed the creative side of things, so I took on that role. That’s when I came across this role in Lancashire, Lancaster to be precise. Dan reached out and said, 'Hey, this is the kind of role, you'll be in front of people a lot who do tech. Would you love it?' It was perfect for me, like a tailor-made role. So I feel like this role was the best amalgamation of getting everything that I love into one place and saying, yeah, I could do this for the rest of my life. "

Challenges and Overcoming Them

Alice: "That’s really beautiful. That was such a positive answer. But my next question is more about challenges. What are some of the challenges that you've encountered while trying to strengthen the tech community in Lancashire, and what have you done to overcome them?"

Lekhana: "One of the major challenges is that a lot of people have ideas but aren't willing to action them, often due to a lack of confidence or access to funding. Many women especially struggle with believing in their ideas. My job is to help them realize that their ideas are brilliant and to provide them with the plan to action their tasks. It’s about motivating their ideas and connecting them with the right people."

Key Initiatives and Their Impact

Alice: "Which I think ties in nicely to some of the initiatives I know you've been working on. Could you talk about any specific projects or initiatives that have had a big impact on the tech ecosystem in Lancashire?"

Lekhana: "Definitely, the Barclays Eagle Labs and Lancashire Digital Hub project stands out. The funding we got helps in getting people investment-ready, doing the background prep work. We run tech talks, digital leaders' events where tech leaders share stories, and investment readiness workshops. Recently, we held an investment readiness workshop, and the feedback was amazing. Participants found the workshop enlightening and valuable."

Thriving Tech Ecosystem and Advice for Women

Alice: "In your experience, what are the key factors that contribute to a thriving tech ecosystem?"

Lekhana: "The hunger to want more and community motivation are crucial. Being an entrepreneur can be lonely, and having a supportive community helps overcome that. Diverse perspectives add magic to the ecosystem."

Alice: "And for women and non-binary people working in digital and tech roles, what advice would you give to them about making an impact?"

Lekhana: "Believe in yourself and do what you want to do. Your actions can inspire many others. Assurance lies within you; you need to take that first step. And as connectors, we are disruptors, innovators, and collaborators. Think out of the box and find better solutions."

In our interview, Lekhana's passion for her work and her dedication to fostering gender diversity in tech were evident. Her journey and insights serve as an inspiration to all, highlighting the importance of supporting and motivating one another to achieve greatness in the tech community.


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