Welcome to WILD.

The Network, The Women, The Community.

What we do…

  • Network Events

    Our Networking events are run to give women and minority genders in Lancaster and the surrounding regions, an opportnity to develop personal skills, find community and ecourage collaboration over competition.

  • School Collaborations

    As well as running events, we’ve created a series of videos sharing women in the local area who are working in digital in tech role, which can be played in schools wherever you’re based. If you’re interested in learning more please reach out.

  • Open Research

    Embedded in story telling workshops, coming soon is a series of future research projects. The best way to stay in the loop about our upcoming work is to sign up to our newsletter.

Telling our stories. Making our voices heard.

WILD Women

As part of our schools collaborations, we've curated a series of videos on YouTube showcasing our WILD women. If you'd like to use the videos, simply tap the button below. If you'd like to arrange a collaborative event with a school you work for, please get in touch.

“You think you know it all until you sit in front of an expert like Alice. I've taken so much away from this event not just through the training, but I've made some new and lovely connections. I now also have something to look forward to in my calendar every month.” - Helen

“You think you know it all until you sit in front of an expert like Alice. I've taken so much away from this event not just through the training, but I've made some new and lovely connections. I now also have something to look forward to in my calendar every month.” - Helen

"I'm grateful to be a part of this vibrant community that nurtures growth and celebrates each other's successes! It's not just about the tech industry; it's about personal growth too!" - Sonal

"I'm grateful to be a part of this vibrant community that nurtures growth and celebrates each other's successes! It's not just about the tech industry; it's about personal growth too!" - Sonal

“This was such an amazing event that I already can't wait for the next one. It was the perfect balance of inspiring and informative presentation and excellent discussion and networking. I learnt so much, not just to help me build my own network but I also took lots away from it that I can use to support our learners on the CODE Lancashire programme.” - Caitlin

“This was such an amazing event that I already can't wait for the next one. It was the perfect balance of inspiring and informative presentation and excellent discussion and networking. I learnt so much, not just to help me build my own network but I also took lots away from it that I can use to support our learners on the CODE Lancashire programme.” - Caitlin

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