Why you will never regret telling your Digital Story

I’ve been helping businesses to tell their digital story for over fourteen years now. And whilst technology has come on leaps and bounds the concept of what I do has stayed the same. I tell stories.

Way back when I was a child, I was a storyteller. Sat with my little notebook out in the fields near my house weaving words together. I loved the way I was able to create something that made people feel a certain way. I didn’t know that my ability to spin a web of narrative out of situations, or that my creativity would one day be applied to the digital world, but fast forward to the dawn of blogging, the evolution of social media, and I found myself making content. Telling businesses stories through words and pictures online.

I learnt a lot and experienced many different marketing techniques, sat in agency meetings where they pushed ‘harder and faster’ and threw copious amounts of money at PPC. At the same time, I was seeing results with a ‘slower sell’, and as my tech skills developed, I learnt that despite all the algorithms, all the ‘trends’ and ‘fancy tricks’, value added content (digital story) was the most effective way for so many businesses to build customer relationships.

And why was this? Well, it’s simple really people buy from people. Through digital story telling you can show who you are, what you value, what’s important to you. You’re able to create a feeling, a feeling that your customer is going to feel too. You’re not just an untouchable, faceless business that wants to sell, you have thoughts and feelings. Nurturing these stories nurtures your customer too providing them with trust in what you do or what you sell. It may not be a quick fix, but it will create long lasting relationships with the ‘right’ customer. I promise you want regret it. 

Sophie Paluch has been a writer, digital storyteller and social media manager for over fourteen years working with businesses across the North West and Dubai. She specialises in lifestyle, wellness, travel and fashion brands.

Sophie Paluch

Sophie Paluch has been a writer, digital storyteller and social media manager for over fourteen years working with businesses across the North West and Dubai. She specialises in lifestyle, wellness, travel and fashion brands.


Sticking to your values when starting a business…